Breast Implant Removal

If you're no longer content with your breast implants, let our experienced surgeons help you accomplish the look and feel that you desire. Breast implant removal surgery is a safe procedure designed to remove existing implants for any reason - from discomfort to complications or just a change of size or type. With us, you can rest assured knowing that we'll provide outstanding care to get rid of unwanted implants without sacrificing quality results.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons draw on their extensive experience and the latest medical innovations to ensure that breast implant removal surgery is both secure and successful. We understand that this can be a significant, emotional decision for you, so we will take the time to get familiar with your goals and anxieties before designing a tailored treatment plan specific to your desires.

At our plastic surgery practice, we are devoted to offering the highest caliber of care and services for each one of our patients during their breast implant removal consultation. We will ensure that you have all the pertinent information regarding your procedure, such as benefits, risks involved, and recovery process before making any decisions. Furthermore, throughout your entire experience with us at our practice we strive to make it comfortable and safe while achieving a successful outcome.

If you are considering breast implant removal surgery, we invite you to explore our website and learn more about our practice and services. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced plastic surgeons.

Reasons for breast implant removal

Breast implant removal is a surgical procedure that is performed to remove breast implants. There are several reasons why a person may choose to have their breast implants removed, including:

  1. Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture can be an uncomfortable and unsightly condition that is caused by the formation of scar tissue around a breast implant. If this scarring causes pain or distress or alters the appearance of your breasts, it may be necessary to opt for breast implant removal as a potential solution.

  2. Implant rupture or leakage: Breast implants can rupture or leak over time, causing a change in breast size or shape, as well as potential health risks. If a breast implant ruptures or leaks, it must be removed as soon as possible.

  3. Changes in personal preferences: A person's preferences may change over time, and they may no longer wish to have breast implants. In such cases, breast implant removal is a viable option.

  4. Cosmetic concerns: Some individuals may be dissatisfied with the results of their breast augmentation surgery or may experience complications related to the implants. In such cases, breast implant removal may be performed to address cosmetic concerns and improve overall satisfaction with the appearance of the breasts.

  5. Health concerns: In some cases, breast implants may cause health issues, such as autoimmune disorders, systemic symptoms, or, rarely, implant-associated cancer. If this is the case, the implants must be removed to prevent further health complications.

If you've been dealing with complications, personal preferences, cosmetic concerns, or health problems due to breast implants, removal surgery may be the best option for you. To make sure that your individual needs are met properly, it's essential to consult a qualified plastic surgeon and discuss all of your available treatments.

What is Breast Implant associated Illness?

Breast implant-associated illness (BII) is a term used to describe a variety of symptoms that some individuals with breast implants experience. BII is not a specific medical diagnosis, but rather a collection of symptoms that may occur as a result of having breast implants.

Symptoms of BII can vary widely and may include fatigue, joint pain, muscle pain, cognitive difficulties, and other autoimmune-like symptoms. These symptoms may develop months or years after the breast implant surgery.

The exact cause of BII is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to the body's immune response to the breast implant. Some theories suggest that BII may be related to the presence of silicone or other materials used in the implant, or to an immune response to the implant itself.

It's important to note that not everyone with breast implants will experience symptoms of BII and that BII is not a definitive diagnosis. If you are experiencing symptoms after breast implant surgery, it's important to speak with a qualified healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

What will happen to my breasts after implant removal?

Removing your implants can potentially cause a change in the appearance of your breasts. It all depends on different factors, such as the size and type of previously used implants, how long you had them, and most importantly - how much breast tissue you have. In some cases you may find that they return to their pre-implant shape; however, the breast appearance is often different following removal.

Some potential changes that may occur after implant removal include:

  1. Decreased breast volume: If you had larger breast implants, your breasts may appear smaller after removal. This can be due to the loss of the volume added by the implant.

  2. Sagging or drooping: In some cases, the breast skin may stretch or sag after implant removal, especially if the implants were in place for a long time.

  3. Changes in nipple position: The position of the nipples may change after implant removal, especially if the implants were large or caused significant stretching of the breast tissue.

  4. Improved comfort: In some cases, women experience relief from discomfort or pain after implant removal, especially if the implants were causing complications such as capsular contracture.

It's critical to remember that all bodies are unique, and the results post-implant removal will differ for each person. Your plastic surgeon can provide more detailed information regarding what you should expect depending on your unique situation.

Is a breast lift (mastopexy) necessary after implant removal? What other procedures can I expect?

In some cases, a breast lift (mastopexy) may be recommended after breast implant removal. A mastopexy is a surgical procedure used to restore the position of the breasts and improve the overall shape and appearance. It may also be necessary if significant sagging or drooping has occurred as a result of larger implants.

In addition to mastopexy, other procedures that may be recommended after implant removal include fat transfer and breast implant replacement. Fat transfer can help to restore volume to the breasts while still maintaining a natural look and feel. Breast implant replacement is another option for restoring volume and can also provide symmetry if necessary.

The exact procedure or procedures recommended after implant removal will depend on your unique situation and desired outcome. It is best to discuss all of your options with a qualified plastic surgeon before making any decisions.

Call us today to schedule a consultation and determine what is best for you!

The most natural results